Hair loss is not uncommon in children. Common causes include fungal infections, stress, and hair pulling. Learn about causes, treatments, and when to see a doctor, here.
Chickenpox in babies is often mild and resolves without treatment, although there are possible complications. Learn about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in babies here. This article includes pictures of babies with chickenpox to aid diagnosis.
Babies often experience dry skin on their face. Their skin is more sensitive than adult skin and has not yet adapted to the environment outside the womb. In this article, we look at the possible causes of dry skin on a baby's face and possible home remedies and treatments.
Babies are more likely to get heat rash than adults. In this article, we look at why babies get heat rash, different types of rash, and how a caregiver can prevent heat rash in a baby.
Baby acne and eczema are two skin conditions that commonly affect young babies. In this article, we look at their similarities and how to tell them apart. We also cover treatment options and when to see a doctor.
Baby acne can look similar to other types of rash, such as those of an allergic reaction, erythema toxicum, or eczema. In this article, we look at the symptoms of common rashes, how to tell the difference, and treatments.
Baby acne, or neonatal acne, affects around 20 percent of newborns. It usually clears up without treatment. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and similar conditions here.
Chapped lips are common in newborns. People can relieve dry lips using gentle home remedies, such as moisturizing creams and oils. In this article, we explore the causes, treatment, and prevention of chapped lips in newborns.
Babies commonly develop rashes on their faces. Most are nothing to worry about, and many clear up on their own. Possible causes include eczema, acne, milia, and slapped cheek syndrome. Learn more here.