More awareness about skin cancer is needed for minorities because they believe they are at low risk of developing it, says Henry Ford Hospital dermatologist Diane Jackson-Richards, M.D.
Castle Biosciences Inc. has announced study results showing its gene expression profile (GEP) test (DecisionDx-Melanoma) can identify primary cutaneous (skin) melanoma tumors that are likely to...
A study by Sofia J. Araujo, a Ramon y Cajal researcher with the Morphogenesis in Drosophila lab at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), elucidates the genetic regulation of cell migration.
People who had nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) were at increased risk for subsequently developing melanoma and 29 other cancer types, and this association was much higher for those under 25 years of...
Melanoma is particularly dangerous because it can form metastases in vital organs such as the lungs, liver or brain. UV radiation is considered to be the most significant triggering factor.
A new analysis suggests that black skin may have evolved in humans as a protective measure against skin cancer.Previously, skin cancer has been disregarded as an influence in the evolution of black skin in humans. This is based on the belief that skin cancer only rarely causes death at ages young enough to affect reproduction.
New research analyzing the prevalence of indoor tanning has revealed the activity is very common in Western countries, particularly among young people. Because the use of tanning beds has been associated with a higher risk of skin cancers, researchers say its popularity is a public health risk.Indoor tanning exposes the user to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Researchers at UCLA's Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research have discovered a mechanism by which certain adult stem cells suppress their ability to initiate skin cancer during their dormant phase - an understanding that could be exploited for better cancer-prevention strategies.
Researchers who conducted the world's first study to assess the molecular impact of sunscreen found it offers 100% protection against all three types of skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. They also found sunscreen prevents damage to a key anti-cancer gene known as p53.
The proclivity of Spaniards to bask in regions like the Costa del Sol while their northern European counterparts must stay under cover to protect their paler skin or risk skin cancer is due in large part to the pigment producing qualities of the MC1R gene locus. The MC1R gene, expressed in skin and hair follicle cells, is more diverse in Eurasian populations compared to African populations...