Some people develop a red flush in their face after drinking alcohol. This article explains why this happens, who it affects, and what the facial flush means for a person's health.
Hair follicle drug tests involving taking a small hair sample to determine whether a person has been using illicit drugs or misusing prescription medications within the past 3 months. Learn more about how these tests work here.
The risk of basal and squamous cell carcinomas may increase with every 10 grams of alcohol consumed each day, new research suggests.
Researchers have found that women who drink alcohol - particularly white wine and liquor - may be at greater risk of developing rosacea.
Hemp is a crop full of oils with potential health benefits, according to a new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.A derivative of cannabis (marijuana), hemp has been used for millennia in textiles, medicine and food, by people all over the world.
Finasteride is a synthetic drug for the treatment of male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and an enlarged prostate. The side effects of finasteride for treatment of these two conditions can include increased rates of sexual dysfunction, such as low libido and erectile dysfunction; in fact, some men who have discontinued the medication continue to experience persistent sexual side effects...