A new study suggests the particular symptoms likely to arise in a person with neurofibromatosis type 1 may be determined by the particular mutation they have in their NF1 gene.
A mysterious inflammatory disease has been afflicting a Flemish family for three generations, causing severe skin lesions, fevers, pain and exhaustion.
Maggots are already used to help heal stubborn wounds; they remove dead tissue and fight microbes. Now, researchers have modified them to produce growth factors to enhance healing.
In collaboration with researchers from UGent, VIB scientists from KU Leuven have revealed a remarkable link between malignant melanoma and a non-coding RNA gene called SAMMSON.
Leprosy affects the nerves, skin and eyes and is caused by a bacterial infection. Although a serious and disruptive disease, it is easy to treat and being slowly eradicated.
After conducting epigenetic scanning on DNA samples, researchers have linked birth season epigenetic marks to allergic diseases. Babies born in autumn have increased risks.
New research looks into the paradox that women who sunbathe are likely to live longer than those who avoid the sun, even though sunbathers are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer.